5 reasons why your business needs a good database

31 Marzo 2020

Written by Alessandro Mollicone


1. Centralised systems
If your business is growing and you have staff to help you run it, keeping track of the increasing amount of data can be tricky. Good database systems can help you manage all your business-critical data centrally, safely and securely - whenever you need it - to boost your chances of success.

2. Better management of human resource (HR) matters
Using a HR database to manage staff records can save you time and money. It can streamline most of the HR tasks, automate routine jobs and speed up the processing of data such as staff hours, leave, benefits, payroll, etc. This can leave you more time to focus on growing your business.

3. Managing customer data and relationships
If customers are the lifeblood of your business, then a good customer relationship management (CRM) database should be at the heart of your growth plans. Full-featured CRM databases are usually powerful enough to store and process everything, from customer contact details, interaction history and accounts, to new prospects, leads and business opportunities. Some CRM systems can even help you run and track marketing campaigns, such as email newsletters. See more on customer relationship management.

4. Efficient inventory tracking
Managing your inventory well can occasionally feel like a balancing act. It's easy to have too much - sitting on a shelf risking wastage, or too little - disappointing your customers and damaging your reputation. If you're tracking your inventory manually, it's also easy to miscount, make data entry errors or misplace spreadsheets and notes. By employing an inventory tracking database, especially alongside electronic data interchange and barcode scanning, you can avoid those risks and minimise lost sales while maximising your opportunities for growth.

5. Planning for growth
Most business databases have some form of reporting capabilities – from analysing input data and productivity tracking, to anticipating future trends and customers' needs. If you’re planning a strategy for growth, a robust database system can be your business' most valuable resource.

5 reasons why your business needs a good database

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